Butcher Curtains – Its uses and Benefits

It is very important to keep your food products in a cool temperature so that they may remain in a hygienic state. Normally it is seen that workers working in the food warehouses and industries normally need to keep moving in and out while working so it becomes very difficult to maintain a proper temperature inside the warehouse freezers and cold stores. Normally heat loss happens everywhere so what should be done in order to eliminate the amount of heat loss from freezers and beverages?

Nowadays many industries are using butcher curtains which are quite effective in maintaining the overall heat loss in food beverages Preventing the loss of cold air from your food beverages and freezers helps to reduce your energy bill while keeping your foods and beverages cold. Butcher curtains help to hold the cold air and prevent the hot air from entering the freezer. The butcher doors are meet the latest guidelines of energy and security act of 2007. In this article we will be talking about some of the uses of butcher curtains and in the end we will be discussing about the benefits of using the butcher curtains:

Uses of butcher curtains:

  • Walk in freezers
  • Walk in coolers
  • Personal openings
  • Supermarkets
  • Bakeries
  • Restaurants
  • Food processing plants

Now let’s discuss some of the benefits of using the butcher curtains:

  • Quick Installation: Installing a butcher curtain is very easy. You just need simple tools and you are good to go. There is no need for any special person to install them; you yourself can easily install them in your facility. There are two mounts for butcher curtains one is stud mount and other one is tube mount. You can use both of the mounts as per your requirements.
  • Save energy: Heat and cold air loss happens everywhere so it is very important to eliminate the amount of heat loss to save your excess cost. Butcher curtains helps to control the overall air going outside of the freezer area and eliminate the amount of hot air coming from outside the warehouse.
  • Low temperature PVC strips: Low temperature butcher curtains stay totally flexible around -20 degree F and standard butcher curtains around 0 degree F. As we all know PVC material a non-porous substance with also helps to control the growth of insects and bacteria.

These were some benefits of using the butcher curtains. In Order to buy these curtain AKON Curtains are the Best Curtain sellers in North America. Moreover, for Installation of butcher curtains and customize them accordingly please feel free to contact AKON Curtains.

For more information do visit our website.


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