Insulated Vinyl Curtains

The insulated vinyl curtains are an adaptable and very effective solution to divide up your working space as these curtains are mainly used to reduce the heat quickly. These curtains are versatile as these curtains can be installed very easily and have the flexibility to move anywhere as well as it is very cost-effective in comparison to the permanent walls. Also, these insulated vinyl curtains will keep the room temperature constant to stop overheating and they also block areas off from dust, chemicals, and other possible contaminants. One of the great advantages of installing these curtains is that anyone can install it only some simple basic tools are required to install these curtains.

These insulated curtains are made of reliably high strength vinyl that will hold up to many years of use while delivering consistent performance. The material which is used to make these curtains are made possible to control the temperature and provide the insulation in that particular area. These curtains are easy to clean and repair as well as being affordable to install and maintain.

Benefits of using Insulated vinyl curtains

  1. Flexibility – As these curtains are easily movable, thus it makes the walls flexible for better working conditioned environments.
  2. Cleaning and Durability – These curtains are made of vinyl which makes it naturally soft and waterproof fabric that is very easy to wash down.
  3. Sound Absorption – One of the most important benefits of an insulated curtain is sound absorption,  it will provide you with a better working environment.

These insulated curtains come in 5 foot and 3-foot panels. The temperature slipt up between two zones can be as great as 40°. As these insulated curtains are an ideal choice for separating coolers or a portion of your warehouse which is no longer needed. Thus, this will enormously reduce the heating and cooling costs of the facility.

Warehouse Environmental Control

In today’s world warehouses need to need to be aware of different environmental conditions to help maintain the proper storage of the product in it. The warehouse environmental control provides people with an update to any change which occurs in the warehouse. 

These warehouses can contain very costly and delicate products. Buy installing the warehouse environmental controlling can monitor the products of the warehouse and save it from various conditions like extreme temperatures, high humidity, water leaks, smoke, and air-flow.

With the help of environment monitoring control, all types of warehouses can get benefit from it because most of the products and materials are sensitive to certain hazardous conditions and have the possibility to be damaged whether it be from high temperatures, humidity, water, and fire. These environmental monitoring steps are very easy and secure with features such as real-time updates/ notifications, monitoring, recording, and reporting of data. 

Warehouse Environment Control With Curtains

You can control the Temperature by using the Temperature partitioning curtains or warehouse divider curtains which offer you a way of creating separate space within your workspace, using a conditioning unit to heat or cool. 

These temperature curtains are an important purpose for manufacturing, storage, food processing, and food management, loading docks and other needs for indoor and outdoor applications. An industrial climate control curtain provides a long-lasting and effective solution to many warehouse spaces.

Temperature partitioning curtains are also used for other indoor and outdoor applications that need some amount of temperature control. To protect products and goods, control temperature costs, temperature partitioning curtains provide you an effective and cost-efficient way to manage your workspace.

Sound Partitions

The sound reduction partitioning can be very useful in many ways as they were commonly used as a room divider but they can reduce the noise in your head and give you peace of mind while completing your tasks as these sound reduction partitions are provided over a 30bd reduction of certain sound frequencies and You can make it less hectic and significantly more comfortable by investing in a soundproof partitionings.

Grinding Booth Curtains Features and Benefits

Grinding Booth Curtains are extraordinary expansion for both sanding and crushing applications. These curtains booth are structured based on the most extreme and least size of the particles to be handled. Grinding booths are facilitated with mechanized shaker dust collectors as wells as pulse jet type dust collectors as required by the application. These Booths can fit anywhere and can also be used on the plant floor where you have open space and crane cutout, front curtains, maintenance windows at back.

Grinding booth curtains are heavy-duty industrial curtains. The booth curtains provide complete freedom for employees to move effortlessly within the booth. Let’s talk about some of the features of Grinding booth curtains:

  1. Two configurations
  2. No hoods or ductwork required on self-contained booths
  3. Ledges construction 
  4. Non-self contained booths utilizing new or existing dust collectors
  5. Standard or customized sizes, shapes, and walls
  6. Easy high-efficiency cartridges
  7. Vertical cartridge removal 
  8. Magnehelic gauge 
  9. Easily removable dust drawers 
  10. Single-sided service 
  11. Modular design 
  12. Dual-sided 12-gauge welded steel walls
  13. Powder-coated 
  14. High-efficiency premium motors
  15. Backward Incline Fan 
  16. Explosion-proof lights and light covers
  17. Control UL approved control panel 
  18. Built-In fork slots for easy placement

Benefits of using Grinding booth curtains:

  1. These curtains are very cost-effective and easy to use and install. 
  2. Improve air quality and conditions by ensuring against water, dust, paint over-splash, and hurtful synthetic substances. 
  3. Effectively move the curtains with our track and roller system to free up floor space. 
  4. Streamline forms by isolating work assignments, making a spotless, efficient production area.

Grinding booth curtains are designed from the ground up to be an effective, heavy-duty industrial solution that will be lasting for decades. All of these booths panels are made using the accuracy of Computer numerical control cut 12 gauge sheet steel, with bolt holes centre cut every 6 inches on full 2-inch flanges where the panels join together, and since it’s CNC, it all fits together flawlessly. These units are assembled using nuts & bolts, so you know it’s very strong.

Cross-Contamination in Food Production

Cross-contamination is the transfer of microorganisms, allergens, and foreign substances from one place to another due to unsanitary and unhygienic conditions with harmful effect. It occurs when juices or raw meats or germs from unclean objects touch cooked or ready-to-eat foods. In spite of this, cross-contamination can lead to food poisoning.

There are three different types of food contamination – chemical, physical and biological. All foods are at risk of becoming contaminated, which increases the chance of the food making someone sick. So, it is very important to keep the environment clean and hygienic.

In this article, we will be talking about why it is important to prevent cross-contamination in food production areas.

Why it is important?

Cross Contamination can occur during production, processing, preparation, and distribution. To prevent dangerous bacteria from reaching the final customer we have to use food processing cross-contamination curtains.

Food Processing Cross Contamination Curtains

  1. Easy to install:  These type of curtains are easy to install. These curtains come with grommets at the top making hanging the curtains quickly and easy with or without the curtain track.
  • Food Dust: Food preparation cross contamination dust is contained thus protecting other food processing activities in the plant.
  • Inexpensive: Food processing cross contamination curtains are cheaper than the ordinary curtains. These types of curtains are about one third of the costs of the other separation methods such as rigid walls or panel systems and are easy to store.
  • Control Noise: Dust control curtains also helps to control the noise. These type of dust control curtains helps in reducing the noise very easily because these types of curtains are made up of thick PVC. The thick PVC makes for a more comfortable work environment.

So, you can use food processing cross contamination curtains or PVC strip curtains through which you can make your environment neat and clean i.e. germs free. Also, harmful bacteria can spread throughout the kitchen and get onto cutting boards, utensils, and countertops. To prevent this: wash hands with soap and hot water before and after handling food, and after using the bathroom, changing diapers; or handling pets. Moreover, it’s very important to keep your environment neat & clean by doing time to time cleaning.

Butcher Curtains – Its uses and Benefits

It is very important to keep your food products in a cool temperature so that they may remain in a hygienic state. Normally it is seen that workers working in the food warehouses and industries normally need to keep moving in and out while working so it becomes very difficult to maintain a proper temperature inside the warehouse freezers and cold stores. Normally heat loss happens everywhere so what should be done in order to eliminate the amount of heat loss from freezers and beverages?

Nowadays many industries are using butcher curtains which are quite effective in maintaining the overall heat loss in food beverages Preventing the loss of cold air from your food beverages and freezers helps to reduce your energy bill while keeping your foods and beverages cold. Butcher curtains help to hold the cold air and prevent the hot air from entering the freezer. The butcher doors are meet the latest guidelines of energy and security act of 2007. In this article we will be talking about some of the uses of butcher curtains and in the end we will be discussing about the benefits of using the butcher curtains:

Uses of butcher curtains:

  • Walk in freezers
  • Walk in coolers
  • Personal openings
  • Supermarkets
  • Bakeries
  • Restaurants
  • Food processing plants

Now let’s discuss some of the benefits of using the butcher curtains:

  • Quick Installation: Installing a butcher curtain is very easy. You just need simple tools and you are good to go. There is no need for any special person to install them; you yourself can easily install them in your facility. There are two mounts for butcher curtains one is stud mount and other one is tube mount. You can use both of the mounts as per your requirements.
  • Save energy: Heat and cold air loss happens everywhere so it is very important to eliminate the amount of heat loss to save your excess cost. Butcher curtains helps to control the overall air going outside of the freezer area and eliminate the amount of hot air coming from outside the warehouse.
  • Low temperature PVC strips: Low temperature butcher curtains stay totally flexible around -20 degree F and standard butcher curtains around 0 degree F. As we all know PVC material a non-porous substance with also helps to control the growth of insects and bacteria.

These were some benefits of using the butcher curtains. In Order to buy these curtain AKON Curtains are the Best Curtain sellers in North America. Moreover, for Installation of butcher curtains and customize them accordingly please feel free to contact AKON Curtains.

For more information do visit our website.

Importance of choosing the right colors for industrial curtains

Choosing the right colors for your warehouse or industries is very important. Industrial curtains colors are more than just for appeal. Apart from enhancing the way your area looks like, curtain colors also provide other benefits which surely improves the overall efficiency and provides the safer working environment for the workers. So, if you are installing new industrial curtains for your warehouses then here are some of the essential things which you should consider before installing them. If you want your facility to look good and to improve production with industrial curtains then these points will be a game changer for your warehouse and industries.

Also check out our previous post on the benefits of using industrial curtains.

  • Purpose: First of all you should know for what purpose you need to install industrial for your facility. You have to think if you want to make separate spaces or if you want a safe working environment or if you want to install them to hide the overall production unit of your facility. There are many industrial curtains available in the market which will definitely meet your needs and requirements. You can choose different kinds of colors according to your needs. If you want to install curtains for health care industry then colors like blue and white will be suitable for your curtains.
  • Design: People’s first preference is always the design of industrial factory curtains. Design is also important to get a proper appeal in your facility. Design doesn’t provide any productivity or any efficiency; it just helps to make your area look good and appealing. You should properly choose your designs according to the needs and requirements. For example, in places like industries and warehouses, it is always better to use simple and rugged type designs so that curtains would survive for longer period of time.
  • Industry Standards: Every industry has their own standards, rules and regulations regarding choosing the colors and other things in a facility. It is always good to know about in order to avoid confusion. If some facility has welding works then it becomes very important to choose right set of colors because welding works are related to UV radiations. Colors like orange and red should be used in order to reflect light will help to avoid accidents in welding works.

So, these were some of the essential things which you should consider before choosing the right curtains for your warehouses and industries.

Uses And Benefits of Heavy Duty Industrial Curtains

Industrial curtains: What are they?

Do you people know what are actually are industrial curtains? You people must have seen these types of curtains in large food warehouses. These curtains are the clear partitions you walk through the warehouses. These are industrial curtains which falls under the category of warehouse divider curtains.  In fact these curtains are used in other industries like Healthcare, Manufacturing, Agricultural, Science laboratories and many others. Industrial curtains are also used in farms where they act as a part of greenhouse structure. Industrial curtains play a very important role in manufacturing industries where they act as the partition between the separate clean rooms and the area used for production. There are many types of industrial curtains. Some of them are listed below:

  • Ware house curtains
  • Wash and paint curtains
  • Welding curtains
  • Garage divider curtains
  • PVC strip curtains
  • Insulated curtains
  • Outdoor curtains
  • Free standing curtains


Industrial are one of the most important ways to control various environmental conditions happening in the warehouses. These curtains act as a strong barrier between the different areas in a warehouse and other industries. Now let’s talk about some of the key benefits of using the heavy duty industrial curtains:

  • Price: The industrial curtains are very easy to use and install. These are very cost effective than permanent walls. Also they don’t require any special person to build that for you. So, it saves your lots of money.
  • Customizability: One of the most important benefits of installing the industrial curtains is its customization. These curtains can be customized according to your own choice. These curtains can be customized according to the room size. There are dozen ways through which you can easily customize these curtains according to your own need and requirements.
  • Flexibility: Industrial curtains are very much flexible. You can use the same industrial curtain again and again for different purposes. Sometimes you may want two separate spaces within the same room or sometimes you want only some portion of the room to be covered then these curtains will surely help you a lot in deciding your needs. These curtains are very much easy to carry and transport. So, it is a far better choice than choosing the permanent wall.
  • Accessibility: Industrial curtains improve the overall workflow in your work station. One can easily move and accessible things from one place to another. Surely you don’t want it difficult to move yourself from one place to another. You can easily walk through these curtains without losing the benefits of separation.

So, these were some of the amazing benefits which the industrial curtains provide. Just go for industrial curtains instead of building a permanent wall for the separation of your work area. We hope the article will surely hep the people out in deciding the perfect industrial curtains for their industries.